Bean Girl's Mind Blowing Gluten Free Blueberry and Lemon Cake


  • One Packet of our Coconut Bread, Biscuit and Cake Mix
  • 6 Large Eggs (see below)
  • 2/3 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Cup Confectionary Sugar
  • 3/4 Cup Coconut Oil (see below)
  • 1/4 - 1/2 Cup Fresh Blueberries
  • 2 Tsp Lemon Juice + 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice


  • Whisk the eggs well in a mixing bowl and add the coconut oil, sugar and 2 tsp lemon. Mix them all very well.
  • Add the mix packet and mix well. The batter should be a pourable but thick batter (pours slowly). If not, consider adding another well-whisked egg or some additional coconut oil.
  • Place the batter in a 5x9 loaf pan which has been lined with parchment paper and sprayed.
  • Sprinkle the blueberries on top.
  • Place in a pre-heated oven at 350F and bake for 45-50 minutes.
  • While the cake is baking, place the confectionary sugar in a small mixing bowl and add the 2 tbsp of lemon juice - mix well. This is your lemon glaze
  • When you remove the cake from the oven, wait 10 minutes and then poke holes in the top as shown in the picture not more than a quarter inch deep. Pour the glaze over the cake and blueberries and spread with a spoon.
  • Let the cake sit for about 2 hours.
  • Enjoy the cake and for those who are not Gluten Free, wait til they taste and then let them know. You should have some very happy folks!